Polling & Market Research for Government Affairs

Accurate, quantitative public opinion data on issues, legislation, political activity and consumer behavior.

Our Approach

Voters and consumers respond to text messages at higher rates than live calls, so with our proprietary text-to-web system, we reach voters at scale across all demographics, including ages and incomes, to provide polling samples that match the electorate or your target market.

This level of accuracy and scale lets you go beyond just tracking top-line numbers; it lets you test messages, understand open-ended questions and predict what will move public opinion at scale.

Texting delivers better samples than live calls

  • Texting allows people to communicate with our surveys quickly and easily, without the needing be available to answer the phone.

  • Texting allows people to take our surveys at their own pace and on their own schedule, rather than being tied to a specific time for a call.

  • Texting allows people to communicate without being overheard by others, which can be important for geting people to give accurate information.

  • Texting allows people to communicate in short, concise messages, which can be twice as fast as taking a lengthy phone poll.

Because voters and consumers prefer to communicate that way

30 question polls with cross-tabs, open-ended and ranking questions for no extra cost.

Using text messages and web-based surveys gives our clients access to more questions, research tools, and data analytics than live polling provides—all at a fraction of the cost.


Geotagging and ID verification

Ensure you are reaching the right audience with geotagging of survey participants’ phone locations and identity verification to make sure you are only collecting responses from the people who match your demographic or geographic criteria.

Simple Pricing

Basic Poll
Up to 30 Questions
Sample Size of 300

Intermediate Poll
Up to 30 Questions
Sample Size of 500


Advanced Poll
Up to 30Questions
Sample Size of 1000

Complete Compliance

  • Fully 10DLC Compliant

  • CCPA Data Compliant

  • Disclosure Compliant for FEC and 50 States

  • Encrypted Data Collection

Get started with VoteTXT today!